Rusher 2 – Commands

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This tutorial will be a short and easy one, since it’s based on the Keybaord example in the previous tutorial.

The CommandManager System

Rusher 2 has a built-in command manager system, which is automatically added to the BasicEngine. What is a command? It’s basically an object with encapsulated actions. In this way, it’s very easy to customly build your own commands and have them executed through a central system, the command manager system.

For more information on commands, you may refer to my tutorials on ActiveTuts+: Thinking in Commands part 1 and part 2.

If you have read about the Thinking in Commands tutorials and are excited about the serial and parallel commands, then you’ll get even more excited to know that Rusher 2 has them! Rusher 2 has a fully integrated command manager system that can execute serial and parallel commands in addition to simple commands. It’s okay if you have no idea what a serial and parallel command are. I’ll cover those special type of composite commands in later tutorials.

First thing’s first. Let’s have a quick flashback on what we have done in the KeyController component class in the previous tutorial.

public class KeyboardController implements IComponent
    public var clock:Clock;
    public var position:Position;
    public var keyboard:Keyboard;
    public function KeyboardController() 
    public function listenToClock():void
    //400 pixels per second
    private const SPEED:Number = 400;
    private function update(dt:Number):void
        var dx:Number = 0;
        var dy:Number = 0;
        if (keyboard.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) dx += SPEED;
        if (keyboard.isDown(Key.LEFT)) dx -= SPEED;
        if (keyboard.isDown(Key.UP)) dy -= SPEED;
        if (keyboard.isDown(Key.DOWN)) dy += SPEED;
        //one of dx and dy is not zero
        if (dx || dy)
            //both dx and dy are not zero
            if (dx && dy)
                dx *= Math.SQRT1_2;
                dy *= Math.SQRT1_2;
            //update position
            position.x += dx * dt;
            position.y += dy * dt;
            position.x = RusherMath.clamp(position.x, 20, 780);
            position.y = RusherMath.clamp(position.y, 70, 530);
    public function dispose():void
        clock = null;
        position = null;
        keyboard = null;

We need the CommandManager system, so we’ll use dependency injection to obtain a reference to it. Add the two lines of code below in the KeyboardController class:

public var commandManager:CommandManager;

Now we’re going to swap out the two lines of code that actually “does something” to another component with commands.

Change the following two lines:

position.x = RusherMath.clamp(position.x, 20, 780);
position.y = RusherMath.clamp(position.y, 70, 530);

to the following:

    new MovePosition
        RusherMath.clamp(position.x, 20, 780), 
        RusherMath.clamp(position.y, 70, 530)

The CommandManager.execute() method will invoke the execute() method of the MovePosition command object, which is defined as follows:

public class MovePosition extends Command
    private var _position:Position;
    private var _x:Number;
    private var _y:Number;
    public function MovePosition
        x:Number, y:Number
        _position = position;
        _x = x;
        _y = y;
    override public function execute():void 
        _position.x = _x;
        _position.y = _y;
    override public function dispose():void 
        _position = null;

Note that you must invoke the complete() method in the command object, otherwise the command manager will not know if the command execution is complete. The consequence might not be obvious for this example. However, if you forget to invoke the complete() method in a subcommand of a larger composite command, the entire composite command will “freeze”, waiting for your command to complete.

Run the game and you’ll see the exact same result as the Keyboard example, since we were just refactoring out game logics into command objects. However, it’s important that you should encapsulate inter-component data manipulation in commands. This way, your code is cleaner, your game flow is more visually self-explanatory, and most important of all, classes are more decoupled and class responsibilities are assigned more correctly.

Coming up next, composite commands.

About Allen Chou

Physics / Graphics / Procedural Animation / Visuals
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